I just had my 5 hours sleep and now it's 1am.
yesterday's Mechanic paper was okay,
managed to answer all of the questions.
but some silly mistake was made.*sigh*
Never mind, it's now a past tense. it's over.
hope everything will be alright.
some thing happened yesterday.
1st of all, Angel- a friend of mine.
i had our group discussion done in our school library a day before yesterday.
And by the time i went back home,
she's still fine and nothing was happened.
then the next morning i went for exam and i was told that she was sent to hospital.
virus infection, they told me.
i was shocked and i was like,
losing my mood to continue answering the exam questions
when i saw her walking out of the exam hall.
then after the exam me and my friend planned to go to her place and visit her.
she was taking a nap, and she's fine.
it was a relief.
hoping that she can get well very soon.
right after that we went to watch [127 hours] after lunch.
at first i felt like it's kinda boring by its looking.
but moral was learned after finished the movie.
love, be strong and live on,
Do not lose faith....
no matter how hard it takes in our life.
i thought of things, the old, current and future me.
every single thing around us is holding a sense of meaning.
it's just that we did not notice and realize their existence.
One should have appreciate and giving out.
you will find that,
it will not only just content one's life, yours too.

true enough..=)